The later years can be an active and satisfying time of life. Sometimes, however, older adults face complex health or social problems. The Older Adult Assessment Program at Washington University offers a team of professionals – geriatricians and nurses – who provide comprehensive assessments and recommendations to older adults and their families to help manage and overcome these obstacles.
The Washington University Geriatrics Program has consistently been ranked among the nation’s best by U.S. News & World Report’s hospital rankings.
We can help if you need answers to your questions and concerns. We can help if you or a family member is at least 60 years old and has complex problems.
Some of the problems and concerns we commonly evaluate are:
- Memory loss and confusion
- Depression and anxiety
- Osteoporosis and falls
- Medication problems and side effects
- Poor appetite and weight loss
- Decreased ability to perform daily activities
- Concerns about current living situation
How does the program work?
The consultation includes a complete evaluation of your current health to devise a plan of care. You and your family meet with our geriatric experts at one of our locations the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM) or Covenant Place (pdf).
The evaluation has three major parts:
- The Medical Assessment includes a complete history and physical examination. Your complete medical history provided by your family physician will be reviewed.
- The Functional Assessment explores your ability to function independently and the potential for additional services. Objective, standardized tests are used and include memory screening.
- A Mental, Emotional and Social Assessment is completed to explore your feelings and mood, living situation, level of activity or care giving issues.
A list of problems and suggested recommendations is compiled. The staff then provides a family conference to review and explain the findings of the evaluation. A written summary with the appropriate resources and referrals is given to you and your primary care physician.
How does the program collaborate with the Primary Care Physician?
Your family physician is the best source of ongoing care. A complete summary of our assessment and recommendations is sent to your primary doctor who will help individualize your plan of care. Your doctor will continue to provide care, but we are available for continued consultation. We can assist with the management of certain problems such as memory loss, depression, difficulty in performing daily activities and behavioral disturbances resulting from problems.
Does insurance cover the cost?
Medicare and major insurance companies generally cover most of the charges associated with the assessment. We accept Medicare Assignment. You should confirm specific coverage with your insurance carrier.
Center for Advanced Medicine
4921 Parkview Place, 5th Fl. Suite 5
St. Louis, MO 63110
Make an appointment
Phone: 314-273-4374
Fax: 314-983-0155